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[23.12.2013] j7n13q » White Symphony [Dimonolog]
просто нарезали кадры в каком-то сюжетном подобии и налепили сверху музыку...
и нафига такое на акрос отправлять?
[23.12.2013] j7n13q » The revenge: Kira and Lelouch [Towiko/HARU]
музыка конечно прикольная...
только вот сама работа очень слабенькая. просто нарезали сюжетную линию не особо заботясь привязкой к музыке
п.с. да и сюжетная линия какая-то не о чем...
[23.12.2013] PrincessKairy » Downfall: Absolution [diegao94]
 andrewbee @ 22 December 2013, 03:48 

First of all, English is not my native language, so I'm not supposed to know it perfectly.
Kristoo didn't give his opinion, he was just mad because your video was eliminated: this isn't an opinion to diegao's video in any way possible. Therefore, I don't agree with Kristoo's vote and even if I wasn't as kind as Anicsi, this doesn't mean that I'm malpracticing or unfair. Of course "not everyone will be in agreement to the numbers people post", but this has nothing to do with this particular case. (by the way, talking about scores: I would have given him 7/8 out of ten, but I didn't want to write everything I thought about the video because I had already told it to him in private.)
That said, you spoke without understanding the situation, unlike I did.
You didn't even understand the rules of this contest, or you were cheating by sending the video knowing that you were violating the rules. So, if you're angry because I highlighted the fact that your video was not exclusive, you can only bash you for your stupidty and/or negligence.
Now, if you want to reply again, please do it in private, because this isn't the right place to continue this stupid discussion.
[23.12.2013] Axiles » The revenge: Kira and Lelouch [Towiko/HARU]
8.2/10 хороший сюжет
[23.12.2013] Dioker » White Symphony [Dimonolog]
ну бро, зима и все дела.. мило бесспорно. но местами кажется просто рандом кадров. смена кадров то через чур быстро, то через чур долго. вообщем работать и работать. без оценки.
[23.12.2013] Dioker » The revenge: Kira and Lelouch [Towiko/HARU]
Не втянулся в клип. и по этому очень затянуто. Песня порадовала, не тупая нарезка, сюжет прослеживается. но не атмсоферно. кароче 7. можно было и по лучше сделать. А так, очень даже нечего)
[23.12.2013] DarkKing » Unbreakable [Laxx]
[23.12.2013] nivekov123 » The revenge: Kira and Lelouch [Towiko/HARU]
[23.12.2013] nivekov123 » White Symphony [Dimonolog]
not refined, not good. But seeing as how all the comments, are negative, use them to fuel you forward to make better works. good luck
[22.12.2013] InsanitySupporter » White Symphony [Dimonolog]
I don't get anything /:
[22.12.2013] Тёмыч-кун » The revenge: Kira and Lelouch [Towiko/HARU]
Эпичная музыка мне конечно порядком поднадоела, но клип выглядит довольно неплохо, ибо норм сюжет, а не рандомщина какая-нибудь. 8
[22.12.2013] Тёмыч-кун » White Symphony [Dimonolog]
Да уж. После 1 минуты выключил. Ни о чём.
[22.12.2013] Westgard » Three Hundred [Tuli']
Хороший клип. Навевает воспоминания...
А на то что тема избита - мною положено. Избитость темы не должна играть никакой роли в оценки клипов.
Жизненное аниме. То что с него берут фрагменты - неудивительно...и не раз мы еще их увидим ^___^
[22.12.2013] AnimeFanaticBoy » Death Silence [TritioAFB]
Actually yes. This video can be understood also as an alternative film (trailer)
[22.12.2013] Axiles » White Symphony [Dimonolog]
только песню позоришь 1/10
1.Sayan Visual Studio - Spoil449
2.Fynjy - Hell's Gate410
3.Multi-Editor Project - Vortex: Recycled313
4.Odissey - Across Memories to AKROSS CON294
5.Tayo - Part of You, Shadow of Me281
6.Umika - Traumerei265
7.Nostromo - Running Man256
8.Aggressor - Act of Genesis247
9.S studio - D-ON!241
10.De29v101L - Midnight Carnival235
11.Tana-sama - Butterflies of God231
12.Aggressor - De:Light230
13.Crossfade - The Stage230
14.SilentMan - Drawn Dream218
15.Scorpions Ultd - Whisper of the Beast209
16.Gidra - fu logic!207
17.impr3ssiv - noize203
18.EvilSpider - Revenge199
19.Aggressor - Code: Ecchi196
20.goЯz - Fracture195
21.VIDOK - Sexy191
22.zzerg - Год АМВ182
23.Umika - Sincerity182
24.Q&A - ChillOut177
25.zzerg - МаLLинки174
Devil May Cry (TV), Chaos;Head
S studio
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