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MagicDarkLight  (Sora to Kasai)  [ MagicDarkLight ]
Verviers, Belgium
When a dream comes true, it is not just a dream.

Bakuman is my favourite manga. It conveys a lot of various emotions which are, in my opinion, all mixed in a perfect way. I had already edited this anime in 2011 but it wasn't finished at that time and in 2013, I thought that I could make better.

So here it is ! I think both people who know and who don't know Bakuman can be able to enjoy this video. So I hope you will!

I want to, again, give my thanks to Xieri, who drew the banner, Kain-x-spirits, Lensta and Echotrooper for their critics and in a more general way the whole Sora to Kasai, for helping me in many ways.
Video    Various [ Bakuman, Death Note, Kproject, Free!, Hyouka, Ef a tale of memories, One Piece, Bleach, Naruto, Persona4, Monogatari series 2nd, To aru kagaku no railgun, Code Breaker, Sword art Online, Accel World, Inu x Boku SS, The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, Kurokami, Canaan, RWBY ]
Audio    ONE OK ROCK - The Beginning
Genre    Romance, Character Profile, Story
3:28 | 59,4 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
3:28 | 13,3 Mb. | 480x270 | H.264 / aac
3:28 | 120 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 92 « 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7 8 9 10 »
naru_yuuki  [ 18 December 2013, 09:06 ]
I really enoyed this video, I think it was amazing!!!
you're style is unique! keep going like that and I wish you a lot of luck in the contest :wink:
micho91  [ 18 December 2013, 05:31 ]
8/10: awesome! :lol: *dancing around*
theredflash66  [ 18 December 2013, 05:26 ]
Nice style, I liked!
Axiles  [ 18 December 2013, 03:57 ]
bravo bravo :applause: this level AKROSS
10/10 GL :smile:
InsanitySupporter  [ 18 December 2013, 03:53 ]
So AWESOME, it's my favorite video in this year's con, everything is so perfect, I have no words to describe it *-*
xDieguitoAMV  [ 18 December 2013, 03:30 ]
love it :wow:
awesome job mdl
Neb  [ 18 December 2013, 03:13 ]
Comment on dit que c'est "une tuerie" en russe ? ^^
Bravo MDL ... excellent !
D4RK  [ 18 December 2013, 02:40 ]
Master. Once more you've proven your the best <33
MagicDarkLight  [ 18 December 2013, 02:26 ]
Thanks for the newest comments! Centurione, I'm glad you could feel the passion haha !
I'd like to add something about the song, actually, lyrically, it does fit quite well imo. And what's more is that the original PV is showing a romance with some scenes with the band rocking out. Well my interpretation is not too far from that, in brief it's romance, with a shonen life where they make mangas and compete with their rival(s). So yeah, just to bring some arguments to explain why I think it fits.
Shiver  [ 18 December 2013, 01:48 ]
The story build-up was pretty cool but I agree with Yusuke on the song, it doesn't fit at all with this type of video.
« 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7 8 9 10 »
AVERAGE SCORE:8.1 / 1074
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EDITORS:7.5 (70)EXPERTS:7.2 (1)