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xDeuz  (Æon Studios)  [ xDeuz ]
La Paz, Боливия
After my presentation of "Lovers Out", I had time thinking of doing something similar, an AMV drama.
And it happened in one occasion while I was talking on skype with a friend where I suddenly came a moment in which each one should write a sentence and then answer with another same, so the same day, I stayed with a phrase that perhaps I not mentioned in the talk, but if in my head.
"If you love someone... set it free. If it comes back... then is yours".
Then perhaps more complete what I wanted to do, I do not take much time to find music (Eden Team IC6> Song Pack> Easy), which might not be the most motivating and inspiring music, but I had what I wanted to, capture this phrase.
Long after below, then observe Nisekoi, an anime more comic than romantic guy who saw him again, they came scenes that possibly would help me, and then the rest was formed in my head.
Then we talk about this idea Kuruta and I, I immediately gives support, being the first to support me in making this AMV.
I am grateful to who helped me make this work: Kuruta, madaraxD, Luna, TritioAFB (each of them many thanks, I leave a few words at the end of AMV).

This AMV is dedicated to the person to whom I am very grateful for doing work that sometimes I get complicated (a complete translation of a story in English), Naru Miyasudokoro sincerely hope that this AMV is to your liking and enjoy it at least 1 time.

No more to say, I hope you to enjoy, the aim was to highlight my AMV from others AMV's of Nisekoi, I hope that the objective has been achieved with this new presentation, making an AMV drama, sentimental with Nisekoi ;)

A big salute to ZEVS1993, Hinata 1495 and Dieguito. And to all those who mention, I wish you a great 2015 !!!

Thank DarknessTheWarrior for translating this comment to English.
Thanks to Joskua for translating to english may credits messages.
Видео    Nisekoi
Музыка    Christina Perri - A Thousand Years
Жанр    Drama, Sentimental, Character Profile
4:04 | 84,9 Мб. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
4:04 | 19,8 Мб. | 480x270 | H.264 / aac
4:04 | 116 Мб. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
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Всего комментариев: 60 « 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 »
axonjunior  [ 02 февраля 2015, 01:27 ]
Surprisingly nice :tu:. Good luck!
AMVs Gimenez  [ 02 февраля 2015, 01:00 ]
Excelente, excelente ! :wow: ! Tenes que llegar lejos ! :wink:
Death_Kn1ght  [ 02 февраля 2015, 00:35 ]
Сопливые клипы без Акроссовского Грузовика как свадьба без музыки =( , банальщина же, хоть и техничная, хотя и техника то ничем ИЗЮМительным не блещет, как и концепция.
Enlux  [ 02 февраля 2015, 00:12 ]
Omg... are we back to 2007?.... 4,8/10
InsanitySupporter  [ 01 февраля 2015, 23:47 ]
Deuz, querido, tu video me encantó <3
Tiene un gran mood y una atmósfera delicada, cosa que sentiría difícil de lograr con un anime que es comedia romántica escolar.
La técnica está bien, has mejorado mucho, aunque concuerdo con nivekov, es raro eso del papel si hablan cara a cara, pero creo que nadie se fija en esos detalles aparte de nosotros lol. La parte de las fotos fue mi favorita. También aplaudo el hecho de que hayas logrado esto usando un solo anime, últimamente pareciera que es necesario un crossover o un mix de una tonelada de series para conseguir una pieza de categoría, pero creo que esta clase de videos tienen una magia especial que ningún crossover podrá alcanzar
Muchas felicidades, has crecido como editor, para mi ya eras pro y con esto te consolidas, tendrás un buen puesto este año.
Nunca nos olvides uwu <3 te quiero
cecco  [ 01 февраля 2015, 23:39 ]
I love the music but the video not at all(just my taste ^^).
Darksss 73  [ 01 февраля 2015, 22:17 ]
Некоторые части видио были уж через-чур быстры и не попадали в такт трека,но драматическая атмосфера в видио и более менее раскрученная сюжетная линия, исправило ситуацию .
gabber1991md  [ 01 февраля 2015, 22:17 ]
nice work m8 :smile:
best of luck!!
Megamen  [ 01 февраля 2015, 22:04 ]
Очень много лишней мишуры. Но все равно отлично выдержано 8.5
botdru  [ 01 февраля 2015, 22:00 ]
« 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 »
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