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PriceQ  (StudioMon)  [ PriceQ ]
Chengdu, Китай
This is a time-themed video

I overheard the song at the beginning of the video design.

This song shows me a colorful world, but the world is not perfect.

This song didn't meet my expectations at first because it was totally different from what I wanted to express.

So I started to make an audio clip to make this song fit the mood I wanted.

Finally, this video was born.

The first half of the video shows what I do every month and how I feel at that time.

The second half is that everyone in the world goes through the morning, noon and evening, and what can we do in that time?

I hope you enjoy this video. Thank you.
Видео    Микс [ Your Name, The Garden of Words, A Silent Voice, Children Who Chase Lost Voices, 5 Centimeters per Second ]
Музыка    Roberto Cacciapaglia - Oceano
Жанр    Romance
3:43 | 66,7 Мб. | 1920x1080 | H.264 / aac
3:43 | 144 Мб. | 1920x1080 | H.264 / aac
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Всего комментариев: 26 « 1 [2] 3 »
NIGHT  [ 27 января 2019, 12:09 ]
PriceQ, if you still have the project of this AMV, possibly, you can make an alt_2 version?
Without text & fixed ending after 02.54 (everyone writes about the desynchronization there)
Setsunarensa  [ 27 января 2019, 08:38 ]
This film is inexplicable to give me a sense of documentary. It opened up my vision for the way to edit video, thx a lot :laugh:
Anejo  [ 27 января 2019, 06:19 ]
 AMVMIMO @ 27 January 2019, 06:08 
I also think there's nothing wrong with speeding up.

ANd chaging directions, and making cuts to nothing.
Making smth full of dis-harmony, though the song was quite an ordinary one))) It's just a matter good (bad) taste ofc, not technical incompetence
AMVMIMO  [ 27 января 2019, 06:08 ]
Perfect edit.I love this video.
I also think there's nothing wrong with speeding up.
If you listen to the original song, you will think that the author of this video is a genius.
PriceQ  [ 27 января 2019, 05:55 ]
 NIGHT @ 27 January 2019, 05:33 
Maybe you are right,lol~Thank you~

Added (after 59 sec.):

 TeaBlack @ 27 January 2019, 00:50 

Thank you. Thank you really. I was very touched. I once wondered if I had really made a mistake.at one time, I thought nobody would understand the last part of the video and why I edited the audio like this. :laugh:
NIGHT  [ 27 января 2019, 00:33 ]
 PriceQ @ 26 January 2019, 15:30 
In fact, you don't have to care about “the month”,It's not materialized. because it's an artistic conception to express my feelings at that time.

Then you didn't need to embed the text in the video.

 PriceQ @ 26 January 2019, 15:30 
every country behaves differently in the same season.lol.

I know it. But if in some country in January flowers bloom and butterflies fly, then in June the whole population should wear thermal protection suits :biggrin:
MrGafudo  [ 26 января 2019, 23:13 ]
wow i love it
MesoGear  [ 26 января 2019, 22:11 ]
звук разбивающегося графина смешной.
Задумка автора какая-то, сомнительно-странная, но клип на удивление свежо смотрелся.
TeaBlack  [ 26 января 2019, 19:50 ]
I enjoy this AWV so much. And I want to express my own idea about what other authors said about the restart of the song.

The orignal song doesn't have a part to build the climax in the part2 of this AMV. I was impressed by the rebuilding of the song. In my opinion this author refreshed the song and gave it vitality. I hope some viewers may first listen to the orignal song and then appreciate this AMV, then you will find that the author's talent of song editing.

As for what most of you think is a failure from 2:53, it seems to me that this actually is a finishing touch in this AMV.The tense atmosphere is abruptly stopped and then a tenser atmosphere catched up suddenly, this really highlights the theme of TIME. I also admire the fast switch in the last part, that's dramatic! The part before 2:53 and after 2:53 shape a contrast by using different speeds. I hope some of you who thought this was a pity to think again.

I still want to say that the acceleration at last is not a failure. This is actually a reflection of the author's idea that people try their best to chase time but fail to achieve it. Although you may say it's a little weird, these unnatural scenes exactly reflects the desire and the pity for time. If you try to appreciate it in a literary way, you may feel better.
PriceQ  [ 26 января 2019, 17:51 ]
 Shiroi yoru @ 26 January 2019, 22:20 

Thank you for your comment. At last,acceleration, I want to express is a concept of chasing time. Maybe it didn't work very well. Thank you.
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