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FaustK  [ FaustK ]
Chicago, США
The War is about a rebellion due to the disobedience to god that a male angel fell in love with a woman.
---some basic level of description can also be seen in the AMV though not until very late.
In fact, half of the time, if you think this is an AMV simply talking about the anime Fate/Zero, I think it is still ok. At least this is what I intended to do initially, but I changed my plan for whatever reasons.

Side notes:
Welcome to the world of 1/30 sec! It is my pleasure to join this community, and this is my first time to participate in an AMV contest. I sincerely hope you enjoy this project, or at least I do so. However, I also deeply feel that there is still a long way for me to achieve my expectation in this field. So far I have multiple projects on hold along with my busy university coursework. I hope next time I can go farther.
Видео    Микс [ Fate/Zero, Chaos;Child, Aiyoku no Eustia, Angel Beats!, Eden, ef - a fairy tale of the two ]
Музыка    The Cab - Angel with a Shotgun
Жанр    Drama, Story, Action
3:43 | 72,9 Мб. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
3:43 | 18,4 Мб. | 640x360 | H.264 / aac
3:43 | 170 Мб. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
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Всего комментариев: 34 « [1] 2 3 4 »
AnimeFanaticBoy  [ 18 декабря 2023, 05:21 ]
I see the concept its just that it wasnt executed too well
Kensei moumato  [ 23 января 2018, 20:48 ]
Interesting technical attempt but too awkward !
Not bad ! :wink:
Megamen  [ 23 января 2018, 12:29 ]
Бум бум бум вспышечки.

"Б-г сказал Ангелы не могут любить людей"

"Или б-г рот надерёт"

"ну я типа уже присунул Машке и у нас дочь которая много жрёт"

"и я буду бороться со всеми кого пошлёт б-г"

"придёт время и я закончу эту войну"

В принципе, являюсь противником незапланированных процессов осеменения. Тем более когда следствием оных являются авторы не способные держать в узде собственные маниакальные пристрастия к чрезмерному использованию фифектов.


Сюжет неплох. Даже с хепиэндом.
ICEberg  [ 21 января 2018, 12:22 ]
формальные признаки мелодрамы имеются
экшен есть
история раскрыта

но фиффекты все портят
FaustK  [ 16 января 2018, 19:50 ]

Thanks to both of you. :smile:
Velzavul  [ 30 декабря 2017, 00:22 ]
А мне понравилось. 8.5/10
777lexa777  [ 25 декабря 2017, 20:47 ]
есть отличные моменты, но местами очень грубовато, общая стилистика плывет. у автора есть потенциал на классные клиппы
FaustK  [ 09 декабря 2017, 20:16 ]

I take a risk to translate comments in Russian in Chrome. The following is my response.
You are right that I added these effects because I was learning and doing experiment as I said to the other people. There are also some other reasons, such as the fact I like some fast-paced flashing, which I learned from Japanese MAD maker. I am not as good as them, that's why I'm still trying to be more creative by my own or something like that. Also some effects I added because I thought it fit to the atmosphere or the meaning behind the scenes. Feel free to interpret them.

However, one thing I have to clarify again: I do not think that just adding effects will make AMV/MAD better. It's really case by case for what I am trying to do. :smile:
kain4ig  [ 09 декабря 2017, 16:33 ]
Грязновато с эффектами, даже перебор, но неплохо... удачи на конкурсе. Ах да добавлю что с ними перебор. Можно было и не ставить а то реально думается а вот посмотрите я могу сделать такой эффектик а вы нет. )) Или автору, просто захотелось показать то что или тому что он научился.
FaustK  [ 05 декабря 2017, 18:42 ]
For Russian comments, I take a risk to translate them in Chrome. Not sure whether the translation is accurate, but I will respond to that accordingly.

 Death_Kn1ght @ 29 November 2017, 22:02 

Thank you for your commenting on both sides (I persume). At least it doesn't make me feel like the entire thing is a whole ****.

 Kvant @ 04 December 2017, 04:48 

You are right that 00.07 is meaningless. I didn't put any meaning to that. I did that because the song made me feel in that way, and also I wanted to learn how to do that. I usually do things brainlessly until the lyrics goes on, because I mostly use lyrics to guide what I need to do. If that effect disturbs your viewing, I feel sorry about that.

In terms of genre, I did not know exact criteria to list "drama" or "story", especially that I think they are the same things. I did put a story into my AMV, So I end up putting drama and story. In fact, I should also put a "Character profile". I don't know the criteria for "character profile", but I think this song and AMV is really a fit to Emiya Kiritsu's ideology (I mean the man in the clips).
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