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4x4ezequi: I always find something new to see

Amanystya and Noor: Maybe the fact there are lot of participants

AntaresHeart07: The competition and the fact that many editors come to this contest from around the world

Azexous: I liked that this new design was applied. I liked how the contest remained up for over a decade and the AKROSS staff in charge kept doing what they're doing and they deserve credit for it! Also, the fact that the authors can finally upload their entries on their YT accounts right after they're premiered. :'D

Buggy: i liked reading people's opinions about the amvs

Cenit: Seeing my previous scores when voting for the finals. This actually helped A LOT! Good job guys!

DaiKunProductions: The community and voting structure.

Derisor: Участвовать и клипы смотреть)

DinAniC: The opportunity of sharing my amv with lots of people, some of them very professional editors, and having their opinions which helps you improve and makes you do your best.

Ðяaga: The variety of clips and the additional finalists.

Fobos: Участие, хотя в этот раз я сделал хуже из-за нехватки времени и лени, но в основном это все отмазки. Наверное, не стоило мне учавствовать в этом году, но вот черт меня дернул запилить. А, ладно, всем добра, может в следующем удастся сделать что-нибудь хорошее...Или нет. Поживем - увидим.

Fury: Competition!

Grandeeney: Great way to see other work and get motivation ;)

GwRosaE: 能和多国选手同台竞技

Hlebalolomator: Наконец-таки я попал в финал! =)

iKuro: The voting proces. The fact that you are able to participate not just with a video, also deciding who is gonna be the winner.

JSK: The mechanics are consistent with last year's rules.
The deadline extension was a nice choice, it allowed many editors to finish their works.

JOCKER8CLZ: everything was on time .

JustRukia: Что он все же состоялся. И наверное это единственно, что может радовать.

Kai Ren: No se es mi primer año jaja

Kaito: то, что он по-прежнему происходит)

Kimihairu: Традиционно люблю в АКРОССе его размах, его открытость, уют и относительную гостеприимность. А также прозрачность предоставления результатов. Ну и значительный (спасительный) перенос дедлайна, конечно же.

Kurobi: The videos (?

leolide: you learn stuff

machina21: Same as always: watching videos from talented editors from around the world.

MaxotsAmvs: How many people joined

Miso: the international flair and the professionalism!!

MrGafudo: I think that the voting vote for the bests videos where the finalist vote is what I like the most in this contest

Sebacarp: I like it the originality of the videos

Simplyfx: It's the first time I enter this contest and I was glad to face off against so many cool editors. Honestly speaking, I didn't even think to get to the finals so I legit screamed when I knew my little video made it through. Thank you very much for that opportunity. As for what I liked the most about the contest, I'd say the challenge of measuring up against other editors, seeing how Akross is a well known contest and has many valid contestants. It's the best way to receive some valid constructive criticism about my own editing.

Strat: A lot of editors expressing ideas, questions, feelings... with their videos in one place.

Sunlight & gabberMD: Competition!

Sutrue: I can see many people that have great ideas and great technology.

TritioAFB: -changes in the rules. Ex: the youtube rule
-changes in the website: like how you can go back and check past premieres without having to click on several links to see one single video.
-variety in the videos. In general not all the videos looked like the same.
- different from last year I liked how trolling went down now.
-the work done by the organizers ;)

ZOD: well i like the badassness and he time do editors put in their work even if i only did mine in a week but i respect the ones who were working in 3 - 4 months

веЛИКий: Он международный


4x4ezequi: to upload video to the site is not so problematic

Amanystya and Noor: This is the only contest where u need to upload 3 differents vids...
The participants are judge, and the fact is really really boring like there 45 vids, it's really boring to make the participants vote since they can easily bring down the amvs' mark...

AntaresHeart07: Deadline extention. System of voting: you should make a jury and not let participants vote.

Azexous: The quality of the videos and the competitiveness weren't as great as in the previous years.

Buggy: i don't think there was anything to dislike..the contest is really well organised

Cenit: That my video got pushed around. It should have been released on December 31st at latest considering the number videos that were awaiting release when mine got greenlit. Instead videos uploaded after mine got the December 31st/Jan 1st spots. My video also never got announced on facebook unlike all the others. I felt like my video was swept under the rug. not a fan.

DaiKunProductions: Website streaming anything other than preview is pretty darn slow regardless of connection speed.

Derisor: Нет такого

DinAniC: I don't think I disliked anything.

Ðяaga: Some "unfair" choices concerning the choice of finalists.

Fobos: Да все в порядке, не понравилось то, что сайт падает частенько, а так всё хорошо.)

Fury: Nothing to complain about.

Grandeeney: hmmm....nothing

GwRosaE: 风格问题,第一次参加这个比赛,来比赛之后感觉只有我一个人的风格格格不入,东西方文化差异还是比较大啊,以后如果有机会的话得考虑换个合适的风格的作品来参加比赛

Hlebalolomator: Всё когда-либо заканчивается, и этот сон, увы, тоже пройдет.

iKuro: i dont know. Nothing in particular.

JSK: The site errors.
I dislike the low amount of fucking great entries this year but I know is not your fault.

JOCKER8CLZ: I don't really like voting system

JustRukia: Есть пару исключительно личного характера. А так грех жаловаться.

Kai Ren: La falta de profesionalidad de los jueces

Kimihairu: Каких-то особых специфических неудобств не испытывал.

Kurobi: A few comments, but it's okay xD

leolide: nothing

machina21: I still cant speak Russian.

MaxotsAmvs: Can't say really. Wasn't something that took my attention that hard

Miso: i don´t know ;)

MrGafudo: maybe that has a lot of time since the contest starts until it finishes

Sebacarp: I wish the Russian community, responsive videos foreign participants in English. Because it is very difficult to understand or know what they think and no technical way to translate it. It would be interesting to know your opinions.

Simplyfx: Not dislike per se, but I thought I was going to die waiting for my video to show up on the site because it took like more than 2 weeks (though I submitted my entry fairly late so that could also be partly my fault). But I can go past that, I guess I don't really mind. xD

Strat: there's nothing that dislike me a lot.

Sunlight & gabberMD: Pretty much anything.

Sutrue: The procedure is tedious.

TritioAFB: It would have been great if the participants just knew they could also go to the forums and started the threads of their videos. Some people reading this will think: That's obligation of the organizers. Problem is that they are busy with receiving/checking/moderating/premiering videos. Also it seems that only russian editors knew this but also foreign editors can do it. Just looking them doing it was discouraging

ZOD: well what i dislike is the winner decision i think my idea is like the winners for each category shall be decided by editors who won the contest for the last 5 years
For Vfx u put a pro vfx editor n alot of things coz there are some editors who made there some serious animation n bla bla n yet they won't get the prize for Vfx n am talking here about me about jocker and gafudo and alot of people n same thing for each category

веЛИКий: так много плохих AMV


4x4ezequi: anything this time

Amanystya and Noor: Just make ONLY ONE upload for a vid >.>
This is the ONLY CONTEST where the participants need to upload 3 fucking diferent vids there is no fucking sense.
And don't let the participants vote, just take 3 oor 5 people to make the judgment and that's fucking all >.>

AntaresHeart07: Nothing in particular.

Azexous: I suppose a lil more promotion of the contest so that it'd attract more attention.

Buggy: meh..nothing comes to's good as it is

Cenit: I think a new website is due.
Also drop the rules. I've seen so many editors this year that instantly uploaded their videos to those sites. Since you are not enforcing this rule you could just drop it entirely.

DaiKunProductions: I honestly found it difficult to get my file sizes down without them looking terrible. The AMVSimple utility has absolutely no compatibility with files rendered raw from Final Cut Pro, and I could never get it to work. Perhaps some more support for the software I suppose.

Derisor: Ничего, всё и так хорошо

DinAniC: I think is fine the way it is.

Ðяaga: Nothing in particular for the moment.

Fobos: Да, в общем-то, меня устраивают правила, надеюсь в следующем году акросс будет проводится и хочу, чтобы сайт не падал и развивался. Вот, собственно, всё. Всем спасибо, до скорого ;)

Fury: Voting system. To many people can vote in matter of auxiliar reasons (taste, friendship, studio etc.).

Grandeeney: nope

GwRosaE: the finalists are alittle bit too much, I think.It took me a lot of time to watch.

iKuro: Nothing. Everything seems well organized to me.

JSK: I can't think about something.

JustRukia: Что бы конкурс стал лучше нужны люди, которые будут его поддерживать. А правила, всегда были разумными на мой взгляд.

JOCKER8CLZ: add list of fav video or something to make the voting in the end easy .

Kai Ren: Que para la proxima collabs vs collabs y individuales vs individuales

Kurobi: Que nos dejaran saber que dia va a estrenar nuestro video :p

Kimihairu: На протяжении лет участвую, и существующие нынче правила-регламенты вполне устраивают. Всё, что мне нужно - это чтобы АКРОСС-Кон проходил и в последующие годы. Ну и чтобы продлевались дедлайны - без этого никак :}

leolide: mmm nothing

machina21: Can't think of anything right now, ask me next year.

MaxotsAmvs: U could get it uploaded by lets say "Amvunity" or channels like that when u can upload it on other sites

Miso: it is perfect as it is!

MrGafudo: the time since the contest starts until finishes

Sebacarp: Change the presentation of the videos. The video player could be better.

Simplyfx: Put a nomination for raw editors only? Kidding kidding. It's just that as a raw(ish) editor I feel like I'll always be behind all these awesome effect editors, though I love raw editing the most.

Strat: A section in which you can see different categories (that would help a lot when finalist vote)

Sunlight & gabberMD: well i guess voting system.

Sutrue: make it easy.

TritioAFB: What I said above. You could mention somewhere that while it's not obligatory to post it, authors are invited to post the threads in the AC 20-- Forum Thread, like in previous years

ZOD: i'd change the way u upload the videos Spidy , sometimes u post videos and they are shown in home page for 7hrs and some other videos are show there for like 24hrs+ this isn't fair u should make a callendar n post all three vids n leave them for 24hrs + amount of finalists its alot thats too much n i'd like if u see previewws from the people who join and then decide to accept them or not coz this is a international amv contest where everybody wants to see the best of the best

веЛИКий: не брать некачественные AMV, для меня всю жизнь этот конкурс был серьезен и поучавствовать в нём мог только "достойнейший", а тут я вижу нарезки которые в первые 2 года мейкерства клипала,и вот начинаю думать чего же я недопоняла в этом мире

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