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kyssifur  (Teleobjektív)  [ kyssifur ]
Budapest, Венгрия
['in a nutshell' MODE activated]

So I tried to do some stuff. Kind of like a sequence, this is the 2nd episode of my old AMV, Number 1 (consider the first 15 seconds as reference). The main point was not the 'homie to my only, love @ 1st sight, whatsoever' thingy, but the real content of relationships: trouble(s). I mean... beyond a certain point in certain relationships. ^^'

Plot: Louise has to face reality and struggle against big tits, because her love, Saito really really really cares for them. He is a trouble-maker, she's a tsundere, the pain is guaranteed.

I tried to make it funny and give the video an adequate/decent flow, as well as a proper lyric sync however, despite of being more like an action video, I do believe that the ending is much stronger than any other parts of the AMV. It lifts you off the ground. :_D ;) Lip sync is cute IMO, and I think the whole video has a strange atmosphere of something that you can only receive from Zero no Tsukaima, so you better watch the series. :)

As usual, no effects worth mentioning, simple stuff, I still believe it's all about scene selection, aaand may I suggest you to download the alternative version (if you are about to download it at all) for viewing purposes. Higher bitrate (triple), nothing more.

Thank you very much and have a great one!
Видео    Zero no Tsukaima
Музыка    Taylor Swift - I Know You Were Trouble
Жанр    Romance, Character Profile
3:49 | 75,1 Мб. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
3:49 | 17,9 Мб. | 480x270 | H.264 / aac
3:49 | 200 Мб. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
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Всего комментариев: 34 « [1] 2 3 4 »
ainoh  [ 10 мая 2019, 21:52 ]
Utterly LOVE this AMV. It is really fun and mood lightening =)
777lexa777  [ 10 июня 2015, 11:05 ]
хороший пересказ) даже с юморком, понравилась.
Shinfoxxy  [ 06 февраля 2015, 01:09 ]
With all the ultra-sophisticated editing crossovers and editing these days, your video reminded me of what I actually enjoyed in AMVs: your clip was fun, entertaining and well made. Nice sync and flow, and the occasional lipsync was hilarious. Very refreshing! :smile:
RMS Lusitania  [ 05 февраля 2015, 01:55 ]
:tongue: good
Dan1elxs  [ 04 февраля 2015, 11:50 ]
[madaraxD]  [ 03 февраля 2015, 21:18 ]
Your video ¨Number One¨ was one of the first AMVs I saw when I started to edit..so this is really nostalgic haha. Good job here, gonna vote for it :smile: hope you get into the finals!
ICEberg  [ 30 января 2015, 15:44 ]
профайл раскрыт
есть формальные признаки романтики
местами забавно
но слишком затянуто
DEDninja  [ 20 января 2015, 19:50 ]
Очень хорошо сделано и выдержано на весь клип. Мне нравится :wink:
Мои 8.2/10
Strat  [ 03 января 2015, 17:53 ]
Dan1elxs  [ 30 декабря 2014, 06:00 ]
It is very good but boring: 6
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