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[04.12.2013] InsanitySupporter » what is Life [Mariel]
You worked really hard on your maskings and your concept is bery interesting, but you should improve your designs and scenes selection. Also, the song makes the video look boring and repetitive.
[04.12.2013] andrewbee » Bad Dream [cecco]
I think you just need more time. The edit could do with more tightening and your story while prominent takes its time to evolve. I enjoyed the video and visual style. I will like to see you make something when you have no reason to deviate from it. No backup ideas, just what you want to tell.
[04.12.2013] andrewbee » the Shell [bk.SeRFeR]
Very intriguing cinematic piece you have here. It ended quite abrupt, whether intentional or not. Its like i saw ACT 1 to a movie and got told that was the End! Clearly you know how to engage and tell a story and your technical skills are pretty good. Ease of the diffuse glow, I know you have a color treatment and it does fit the setting but at certain sections, it became overpowering. Well done, looking forward to your next piece.
[04.12.2013] andrewbee » Feelings That We Share [Benreparn]
Refreshing. Your transition between clips are excellent and this is really key when making a mix. Keeping the momentum alive and making sure the flow between scenes share a relationship.
However, I think that excellence dropped a bit between 2:02-2:18. You have mastered movement, transitions and making good clip selection. Give me a message through out the entire amv! I think your next will certainly be a breathtaking showcase.
[04.12.2013] andrewbee » [AMV]Nisemonogatari-onion [aren001]
Oh boy! you got lazy didnt you? You started with a bang! and that zeal just sizzled out after you realized you still had 2minutes 15seconds to go. AMV making isnt easy. You must stay dedicated and not give up. If you have an editing session and you are getting tired, STOP! Dont work on it anymore. You will only be destructive if you do. Rest your eyes and try again when next you are ready. The time, patience and perseverance will pay of. Also you need to ease of effects for now. Focus on rythmn and making good clips selection. Everytime I watch an amv, i ask myself, did i get the message? Because as editors even when you piece is stylised, you still tell a story or idea. I hope to see you improve.
[04.12.2013] andrewbee » Circus [Angel_Sora]
This must have been quite a technical challenging piece. So great job on showcasing that. Overall, it was entertaining to watch but I was hoping you seized the opportunity to make it into a 'music video' with at least one or two characters leading the delivery of certain punchy aspects of the lyrics. You did attempt it in 0.29 -0:31. Something to make the approach holistic. Cant wait to see your next big piece.
[04.12.2013] andrewbee » Dreams and Heroes [AiaSnTropeaS]
I think you you had a fairly decent idea. Your establishing shot included battle action scenes (berserk) and then you decided 'wait a minute, this is an uplifting track, I should be using scenes from romance dramas'.
You definitely know what a good scene is but when making a mix, you still need an underlining connection between all the clips. They need to flow into one another. Dont just select wats cool or goregous looking and slap it in! let it have a meaning or help build your pacing.
[04.12.2013] andrewbee » Sorrowful Life [Acton70]
You seem to have good clip selection and editing skills. You rhythm and pacing are also quite good but story-telling skill is severely lacking. It affects the emotion and as a viewer, I am not invested in the characters you are portraying. You will absolutely get better because you are not distracted by cramming effects but making a good edit that flows.
You have to focus on how to build and tell a story.When to introduce a character, Why the character is sad, What are the longing. how tragic was their journey?

Wish you the best.
[04.12.2013] andrewbee » Human Trancition [ACRLover]
You disappointed me right from the start.You had an interesting beginning then you show flowers for the powerful opening lyrics! 'What if i wanted to break" and you show f****** FLOWERS!!! I was hoping you redeem yourself but you didnt! You have an awesome material to work with but failed to tap into its potential.

You need to work on your story telling skill before editing skill. If this was about Jaegar, you should have built the amv around him. If this was about the corps, the same treatment focusing on key players. To me it felt like, like the City was the story.

Research! Watch more good amvs and workout the structure and be better!
[04.12.2013] andrewbee » Spill a Will [9eek]
I think you had a great song choice but you need to work on building your story and editing. There was a hint of good clip selection and arrangement between 2:15-2:25.
You dont always have to hit all the beats in a track. Build a rythmn and momentum but dont lose focus on the story or concept behind the amv. STORY IS KING!
[04.12.2013] andrewbee » Sket Brothers [2ndState]
While this isn't original, it is certainly entertaining. You clips selection was spot on in certain aspects of the trailer. The way you introduced some of your masked -in characters was a bit jarring at times but I enjoyed the concept.
[04.12.2013] theredflash66 » Spill a Will [9eek]
The video is meh
[04.12.2013] IGORGOD » Spill a Will [9eek]
Более-менее доставило, не понравились шрифты(особенно сильно вначале клипа). Поставил 7.2
[04.12.2013] Anicsi » what is Life [Mariel]
The concept was quite nice, and i can tell that you tried really hard :) To give you some advice, work on the designs/presentations. Sometimes less is more. The background you used didn't blend in well with the rest of the scenes which were left without color correction (I also didn't get why some of the clips were masks and on that paper BG and other scenes weren't? not that everything has to be masks, but then try to lessen the contrast more) and the shadow/light combination around the masks is a real pity, because it makes them look so unclean. Clean masking is really difficult, but it's also really worth it if it's presented the right way. Same with the text, the design was just out of place. It'd maybe also had more impact if you had chosen a music that changed over time, like this it was a bit repetitive. Either way, lovely video, and as I said, I liked the concept ^^
[04.12.2013] Anicsi » Spill a Will [9eek]
Hm, i am a bit confused, like... okay it's action, so there doesn't have to be a super deep story behind it, but even for action, a bit of plot (or concept) is really important and I couldn't catch any of that in your video? Uhm, and then f.e. the slower part at 1:45, it'd have been really nice to have a change of mood here, something serious or slowing down, but the clips you used made it look a bit ridiculous. Maybe that's just the anime, though. Well, the editing generally was good, i just don't think it's a good idea to focus on lip synching in action videos :)
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