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[27.01.2019] Shiroi yoru » interconnected FortunA [Miso]
Excellent camera narration and emotional expression
Unique color matching
Successful characterization
Personalized work style, which is very rare, I like this very much

The second half of the lens switching method is a bit too single, has been used before and after pushing and pulling may cause a little visual fatigue (this is just my personal point of view) I saw a little dizzy when I saw that part

All in all, this's a unique work and catch my eye. Good luck.
[27.01.2019] Miso » Hope [JustRukia]
clean work
[27.01.2019] Miso » Bluster [Okami & LukeG]
that´s entertainment! I think also, that this cover fits more for Berserk. It´s not only just funny, there is also a story behind it... nice. The sync and the flow was very harmoniously... very varied. so it was never boring. sometimes there were calm flowing moments and then... "baaaam"..like ...I'm on adrenaline".
Personlally, there were 2 things that I didn´t like so much.. at 0:41(the rbg side bars) and 2:22(the flashy/beam thing, too intensive)
good work, good implementation. Great collab
[27.01.2019] Jokeright » Hope [JustRukia]
Textbook general editing
Everything is perfect

btw i love this poster so much
[27.01.2019] Jokeright » Bluster [Okami & LukeG]
Excellent video! Whether it's a music switch or a camera move, it's powerful, especially when a three-minute burst of fire (or something else) from a character's eyes is simply too shocking to be true. The whole video process is very wild, but also exudes a very strong personal charm. Such encouraging!!!
[27.01.2019] hnscby6 » Bluster [Okami & LukeG]
[27.01.2019] maple leaf » Bluster [Okami & LukeG]
[27.01.2019] cokAMVs » Bluster [Okami & LukeG]
We'll make a queen version. :tongue:
[27.01.2019] Death_Kn1ght » My Lucky Strike [Magikarp]
Скайпом еще кто-то пользуется ? Оо . Идея не новая, но работа весьма приятная :)
[27.01.2019] ClaiN » Hope [JustRukia]
And so it ended.

Good job to you, Rukia.
It didn't even seem a 4 minutes long video.

Best of luck
[27.01.2019] Death_Kn1ght » Nowhere [Cegan]
Ожидал от автора большего. Музыка просто отвратительная, клип скучный, обоснованности происходящего в нем я не понял. Мне мимо.
[27.01.2019] Jokeright » Time [PriceQ]
In fact, this is undoubtedly a good video, which is very effective for the reconstruction of music and the arrangement of the screen cohesion. I really admire the author for his control of the rhythm and the rendering of the atmosphere. Indeed, I also think that the text about months in the first half might have different effects if not added. The scene after 2:54 is actually quite wonderful, and you can see that the author intentionally speeds up the pace of switching between shots in the final scene, which I think is very appropriate to deal with. It would have been better if there had been a better switch at 2:54. As for music, in my opinion, as the woman lying down to an abrupt end to revive again after a period of slow music may have some not harmonious, if can let the music suddenly stopped the moment the picture has more impact effect would be better, after the rhythm can start with a faster music hands rather than a slow tempo music clips, such change would be more interesting?

I'm not going to criticize the author's handling of it. The author is actually very experienced in all aspects. I especially liked the sound effects, which took the video to a whole new level.

As a side note, Shinkai's films actually create stereotypes that lead the audience to bring to the videos when they see them. This actually has a little impact on the overall viewing experience. If the author could have used other animations instead of Shinkai's films to create works of this style, I believe the effect would have been better.

As for one comment about the previous author on technical flaws. Personally, technology is always about expression, and a good expression doesn't have to be complicated. What's more, people's first impression of the work is actually very important. Some works just need to be watched in one breath rather than carefully watching one frame after another. And this work obviously needs us to pay attention to its overall effect rather than deliberately carefully correcting some incongruities we think.
[27.01.2019] -Ridiculous » Bluster [Okami & LukeG]
i love this song lol

Added (after 52 sec.):

3:10s is definitely great! Well done man.
[27.01.2019] Death_Kn1ght » Time [PriceQ]
Про сезоны уже сказали, но добавлю : В апреле желтые листья на деревьях... Они же осенью желтеют. В титрах перемотан кусок клипа с ноябрем и вместе с текстом названия этого месяца, както в глаза бросилось. Хорошая задумка, но както не до конца раскрыта.
[27.01.2019] Death_Kn1ght » Bluster [Okami & LukeG]
Номинация "Самое спорное м/в контеста" . Очень на любителя, либо я чего-то не понимаю -_- . Субьективно не зашло
1. Action841
2. Drama279
3. Action, Drama149
4. Romance145
5. Comedy66
6. Fun66
7. Drama, Action64
8. Story59
9. Psychedelic58
10. Dance57
11. Drama, Romance55
12. Action, Character Profile49
13. Action, Story47
14. Drama, Story45
15. Character Profile44
16. Story, Drama41
17. Trailer39
18. Horror38
19. Romance, Drama34
20. Other31
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Story, Drama, Romance, Character Profile
neko lover
 ФИНАЛИСТ AKROSS CON 2008 15.12.2008  
"Mirrors" Trailer Audio
Trailer, Horror
 ПРИЗЁР AKROSS CON 2010 15.12.2010  
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Fun, Action