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[27.01.2019] NIGHT » Time [PriceQ]
 PriceQ @ 26 January 2019, 15:30 
In fact, you don't have to care about “the month”,It's not materialized. because it's an artistic conception to express my feelings at that time.

Then you didn't need to embed the text in the video.

 PriceQ @ 26 January 2019, 15:30 
every country behaves differently in the same season.lol.

I know it. But if in some country in January flowers bloom and butterflies fly, then in June the whole population should wear thermal protection suits :biggrin:
[26.01.2019] MrGafudo » Time [PriceQ]
wow i love it
[26.01.2019] ronnie » Fashion Beats [Minako]
с этим согласен неплохо динамично

Added (after 26 sec.):

8 из 10
[26.01.2019] ronnie » Static Retaliation [XIII]
[26.01.2019] ronnie » OTIUM [Realibel]
лехааа мож перестанешь быть уебаном в доску

Added (after 1 min. and 40 sec.):

тебя кто то назначил критиком или что

Added (after 2 min. and 32 sec.):

это одно из любимых хлеборезку свою закрой

Added (after 9 min. and 49 sec.):

я так скажу учился в первом классе с девушкой одной потом переехал за 2000 км доучивался в 5 и 7 классах у нас музыки не было и тут попал на урок музыки помню ходил к ней списывать и смотреть утиные истории и все влюбился не в нее а в музыку она вышла со скрипкой и все я потерялся

Added (after 3 min. and 12 sec.):

если не цепляет то ты и до стенки доебатся можешь

Added (after 54 sec.):

тебя кто критиком провозгласил?
[26.01.2019] MesoGear » Nowhere [Cegan]
а мне понравилось, только есть ощущение, что клип откровенно говоря не доделан.
[26.01.2019] InsanitySupporter » Soldiers Of Justice [RoseBeautyDreams]
Powerful video! It really feels like a trailer, the song choice is perfect for the series
[26.01.2019] MesoGear » Time [PriceQ]
звук разбивающегося графина смешной.
Задумка автора какая-то, сомнительно-странная, но клип на удивление свежо смотрелся.
[26.01.2019] InsanitySupporter » BIPOLAR [Ridiculous]
The mood in this is so powerful, everything is so delicate and polished , one of my favorites of this year.
[26.01.2019] InsanitySupporter » Hi High [Orbitchx]
I fucking love the vibe on this and your username.
No, but really, it's quite a girly edit with a great mood to it, makes me want to call my friends to have fun during the weekend

Added (after 1 min. and 56 sec.):

OMG APENAS ME DOY CUENTA DE QUE ERES DE ARGENTINA AAAHHHHHH De haber sabido te comentaba en español xD en fin, me encantó esta cosa <3
[26.01.2019] InsanitySupporter » kms: kawaii metal symphony [Bimyou]

Actually it was never my intention to do lipsync in the video, all the bits that seem to have lipsync are just like that out of luck lol no one has time for that

The whole segment from 2:37 to 2:45 is masked, the dresses in the original source are light pink, so when the scene is black and white they are almost white, I had to mask all of them so they could look black and fit the metal theme a bit better, after doing that I didn't want to mask anything else lol but thanks, I agree the video needed some more work for achieving its full potential, but I like sleeping 8 hours a day

AND THANKS EVERYONE FOR YOUR COMMENTS AND FEEDBACK someday I will a video I don't end up rushing in a week
[26.01.2019] InsanitySupporter » Catastrophe [Giorgi ジオ]
I love the concept in this and the way you executed it. I think sometimes the style differences between kiznaiver and hyouka are too obvious but i think it's not a big deal.
Overall, enjoyable video!
[26.01.2019] Anejo » Nowhere [Cegan]
 seriy @ 26 January 2019, 21:11 
не понял и подумал, что у меня в нескольких вкладках браузера

Я до сих пор так думала, что глюк в раузере)))
[26.01.2019] seriy » Nowhere [Cegan]
Я сначала не понял и подумал, что у меня в нескольких вкладках браузера одновременно проигрываются несколько амв сразу. Это же надо было найти такую ... "музыку".
[26.01.2019] TeaBlack » Time [PriceQ]
I enjoy this AWV so much. And I want to express my own idea about what other authors said about the restart of the song.

The orignal song doesn't have a part to build the climax in the part2 of this AMV. I was impressed by the rebuilding of the song. In my opinion this author refreshed the song and gave it vitality. I hope some viewers may first listen to the orignal song and then appreciate this AMV, then you will find that the author's talent of song editing.

As for what most of you think is a failure from 2:53, it seems to me that this actually is a finishing touch in this AMV.The tense atmosphere is abruptly stopped and then a tenser atmosphere catched up suddenly, this really highlights the theme of TIME. I also admire the fast switch in the last part, that's dramatic! The part before 2:53 and after 2:53 shape a contrast by using different speeds. I hope some of you who thought this was a pity to think again.

I still want to say that the acceleration at last is not a failure. This is actually a reflection of the author's idea that people try their best to chase time but fail to achieve it. Although you may say it's a little weird, these unnatural scenes exactly reflects the desire and the pity for time. If you try to appreciate it in a literary way, you may feel better.
1. Action841
2. Drama279
3. Action, Drama149
4. Romance145
5. Comedy66
6. Fun66
7. Drama, Action64
8. Story59
9. Psychedelic58
10. Dance57
11. Drama, Romance55
12. Action, Character Profile49
13. Action, Story47
14. Drama, Story45
15. Character Profile44
16. Story, Drama41
17. Trailer39
18. Horror38
19. Romance, Drama34
20. Other31
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