My goal of this video was to progress a story consisting of rhythm-only segments. The title is centered around Renge (Purple Hair), a small, curious, yet intelligent first grader with her imagination being the focus. She gathers her twintail friends; Mio (Cyan Hair) and Tomoko (Black Hair) to show "After School Tea Time" their fan girl power. Renge's attitude throughout the story is pure fun. Giving her expression is rather serious, she's a very kind person, and only wants to show her favorite band she's their number one fan. Thank you for watching.
Микс[ K-On!, Non Non Biyori, Nichijou, WataMote, Tamako Market ]
Skrillex - First of the Year (Equinox)
Fun, Comedy, Story
Twintails and Music Clubs0:00/ 0:00LIVEAudioSubtitle
Good luck.
закончить бы на концерте - и было бы совсем хорошо
As a fan of K-on! I approve this