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AdverseShooter  [ AdverseShooter ]
Stockholm, Sweden
Unlike most people who actually plan ahead for Akross I noticed two days before the registration deadline and thought to myself 'why not?'

So here it is; my first proper amv in two years that attempts to lyric match to a language 95% of you won't understand. It doesn't make sense but then again it isn't supposed to. It's simple fun that's all.

P.S Now I actually tried adding english lyrics to this but after making 30 seconds of them I realized you would have to pause 5 times every second to even be able to read them so that idea went out the window. But since they are kind of essential to understand why I edited like I did I'm taking the liberty to paste my translation of the lyrics and essentially make you scroll down 5 storeys to even watch the thing.

Yeah I rhyme on from an underground level
I aim for the top as far as I can reach
And I, come in, roll hard
In Stockholm terrain it's the title I want at
I am, I am

From Slussen, Hornstull, Zinkensdamm, Vietnam
Same tribe of hooligans were kleptomaniacs
Microphone pyromaniac accomplices
Blowing like a gang of militant vegans
1200 heretics, original gansters, dope junkies
Real rhyme butchers
Respect to all the guys who've hanged since day one
You're in the family were my blood runs fat
Dress pictures with words, witness the things I've seen
Because rhymes fall tight when I explain what's up
Like wet aquarelles
I start to paint
I'm flowing with feel

Yeah I rhyme on from an underground level
I aim for the top as far as I can reach
And I, come in, roll hard
In Stockholm terrain it's the title I want at
I am

Microphone horny
Microphone horny
I am Microphone horny

Microphone horny
I am
Microphone horny
Microphone horny
I am Microphone

In comes the hot stuff
Garterbelt no doubt

Microphone horny
Microphone horny
I am Microphone horny

Microphone horny
I am
Microphone horny
Microphone horny
I am Microphone

Yeah I rhyme on from an underground level
I aim for the top as far as I can reach
And I, come in, roll hard
In Stockholm terrain it's the title I want at

Yeah I rhyme on from an underground level
I aim for the top as far as I can reach
And I, come in, roll hard
In Stockholm terrain it's the title I want at

Microphone horny
Microphone horny
I am Microphone horny

Microphone horny
I am
Microphone horny
Microphone horny
I am Microphone

I am Microphone horny
Video    Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
Audio    September - Mikrofonkåt
Genre    Dance, Fun, Action
2:44 | 49,8 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
2:44 | 10,5 Mb. | 480x270 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 27 « 1 2 [3] »
cecco  [ 14 January 2014, 04:33 ]
not bad
Axiles  [ 14 January 2014, 04:09 ]
looool 8/10 :biggrin:
MentalTsui  [ 14 January 2014, 03:21 ]
I enjoyed it very much. It's one of my personal favs this con! :D
AnimeFanaticBoy  [ 14 January 2014, 02:11 ]
Good. While it's true that I have other favorite videos for this source, I guess this one is pretty enjoyable
xDreww  [ 14 January 2014, 01:10 ]
You already know what I think Alex, really happy to see something new from you after two years. Liked it! Good luck in the contest. now time to catch up. :)
EnIgMoZz2  [ 14 January 2014, 01:07 ]
lol the song
Domius  [ 14 January 2014, 00:40 ]
lol the song
« 1 2 [3] »
AVERAGE SCORE:6.3 / 1058
VIEWERS:6.4 (69)CRITICS:6.6 (22)
EDITORS:5.9 (33)EXPERTS:4.5 (1)