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Miso  [ Miso ]
Linz, Austria
This is my 2nd time here, and this time i wanted to do something else entirely ;)
Why? Because as i watched Barakamon, i was soo fascinated: the Comedy and the Story was so fresh xD. Well, after i fixed the Anime, i thougt about a Song that fits. Yeah..
I hope you can feel the lovely charme and have Fun! ^-^
Video    Barakamon
Audio    The Temper Trap - Sweet Disposition
Genre    Fun, Character Profile, Story
4:17 | 81,2 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
4:17 | 20,3 Mb. | 480x272 | H.264 / aac
4:17 | 105 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 30 « 1 2 [3] »
Axiles  [ 16 January 2015, 18:41 ]
техника слабенькая, автору еще много надо практиковаться 6,5/10
AMVs Gimenez  [ 16 January 2015, 17:27 ]
has very good story and it is very interesting :smile:
akira02sum  [ 16 January 2015, 07:07 ]
The story is very understandable and heartwarming. Your video made me happy. Thank you!
Akito - Neto  [ 16 January 2015, 02:19 ]
Only you look good will not do the video, sync missing several things besides.
Enlux  [ 16 January 2015, 00:20 ]
Naaaah, for The Temper Trap not good enough.
Look 5 years ego was made something like that "Time of Eve/ Eve no Jikan (AMV) - Sweet Disposition"
InsanitySupporter  [ 15 January 2015, 23:29 ]
Miso, you I love your videos.
I loved the feeling, it is very heartwarming.
Sometimes the sync and flow are kinda lost, but I think it doesn't mare because you focus on the mood. Also, the coloring is attractive.
Despite I can sense the fun part, don't know if the song is suitable or if using it adds the funny part. Maybe the song could have fit a sentimental/romance thingy, but wel.. I liked this one a lot.
Darksss 73  [ 15 January 2015, 21:23 ]
Один из любимых треков и честно говоря как обыграл автор трек не-очень понравилось ,как бы и хреново а где-то норм .
Ц.К .слишком яркое ,контрастности можно было бы и поубавить .
Лисёнок-тян  [ 15 January 2015, 20:50 ]
Здорово 8/10
Xilence  [ 15 January 2015, 19:51 ]
Nice2see ;'3
Some parts aren't sync'ed very well.
I like your Color Correction.(Use more Exposure Compensation inside MBL)

Schöne Farbgebung und recht nett anzusehen. Aber hey, auch wenn es kein Action Video oder der gleichen darstellen soll, könnte da doch manchmal ein paar Cuts mehr drinne sein. (Oder du senkst den Kontrast und lässt mehr Details im Bild übrig)

MfG Xilence :smile:
Хлебушек  [ 15 January 2015, 19:41 ]
Смотрелось на одном дыхании!
« 1 2 [3] »
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