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[07.01.2017] AiaSnTropeaS » The Fight of The Kings [AiaSnTropeaS]
Thanks everyone for the feedback.

1. black bars cause i like the look of it, for me it looks more profesional/polished and of course cinematic since cinema=black bars (1:85 iirc)
2. yes the story isnt "original". it is marineford, the most popular arc of one of the most popular anime out there for like 3 - 4 years? so... i dont say this as an excuse, but editing with one piece isnt really about originality, but making something that i like. I havent see a theme of luffy vs WB, and it was pretty apparent to me when i made it.
3. callig my "execution" below zero is an insult, and outright illogical, and calling me a troll... here is a video I would dare call "bad", but even this isnt 0/10
I know the way i edit isnt the best, but i also know its not that bad, so please if you want to insult me, do so in a PM -.-

Added (after 1 min. and 38 sec.):

no talking about punpun, my heart is still bleeding :wink:
[07.01.2017] Лисёнок-тян » MIRAGE [S.H.O]
8/10 хорошая работа)
[06.01.2017] Leegf » MIRAGE [S.H.O]
What is "LIRG"? What is the truth of "selector battle"?
Indeed... What is it? Still haven't got a clue about it after watching.
Frankly speaking, I've understood nothing. I'd be surprised if there's some comprehendable story here. I guess it'll be clear only to ppl who've watched the series. Got strange feelings. It was at least interesting to watch.

 MesoGear @ 06 January 2017, 19:32 
вот только пока еще не понял, в хорошем смысле или в не очень

[06.01.2017] Leegf » Off with their heads [Strawberry Fields AMVS]
 PieandBeer @ 06 January 2017, 20:48 
watch the alternative version the audio is much better, probably a compression issue ;)

It's a bit better but still there's an issue with that.
[06.01.2017] PieandBeer » Godsend [Duczmen]
i really appreciated the unexpected audio source. most of these fancy videos with the source go the ambient/melodramatic way with the music so this video was refreshing. i was not clear on the story but the general flow of the video was enjoyable. the static effect on the characters felt a bit off, like it just stood out in comparison to the soft/muted colors in the sources. but i really enjoyed this video overall :D good luck in the contest!
[06.01.2017] PieandBeer » NONSENSE [Axel d'Arc]
this had solid editing and i felt like you did more than just show the fancy animation. loved the bird sync at 0:46 and the flow. it feels like trailer of sorts for the series as it really just gives you the taste and mood of the source. really great for being made in two days v: great job
[06.01.2017] Leegf » The Fight of The Kings [AiaSnTropeaS]
First of all, why did you put black borders? In doesn't help to create "cinematic/blockbustery/epic " at all.
You've decided to create here some story... Whitebeard vs Luffy? What a... Come on, really? Okay, the execution is below zero. You didn't manage to show it. There's only one scene indicating your idea. 1:45-1:55.
Even tho being fan myself, I can't take take your work anyhow serious. Some random action one piece amv looks better.
I hope you understand... i feel myself like i'm being trolled.
[06.01.2017] PieandBeer » The Fight of The Kings [AiaSnTropeaS]
this isn't usually the style of video i enjoy but your solid editing really sold if for me. awesome mood, but some of the close ups on faces ruined the flow. overall this was pretty sweet, probably amazing for fans of the series :D nice job!

EDIT: wait also i love your icon let's talk punpun +A+
[06.01.2017] PieandBeer » MIRAGE [S.H.O]
This had a really cool mood and made me want to watch the show +A+ i was a bit confused on the sync in certain parts (especially the white card flashes at the beginning) and the moving lips were distracting. however, you kept me entertained through the whole video even if i did not understand the story. when the music picks up it's great, but a few of the slower sections (like at 0:53) felt a bit too fast for the music. overall pretty enjoyable though :D nice job
[06.01.2017] Axiles » MIRAGE [S.H.O]
[06.01.2017] PieandBeer » Off with their heads [Strawberry Fields AMVS]
@leegf watch the alternative version the audio is much better, probably a compression issue ;)

i liked this vid, def seemed like you had fun with it. there are areas to improve, like the first bit seems to be entirely from the OP and the sync could be tightened up. one tip i would say is to try to keep action flow going by avoiding cutting to a static scene in the middle of fast moving scenes. but i think a lot can be learned just by making more videos. keep at it! :D
[06.01.2017] Leegf » NONSENSE [Axel d'Arc]
Not that much serious work, It's kinda "wut". But I should say I liked this "wut". It just goes pretty well with the music, creating the proper immersive atmosphere.

By the way, thanks, I googled the trailer of that game... My "wut" just have transformed into "wutwut" :)
[06.01.2017] Leegf » Off with their heads [Strawberry Fields AMVS]
Well... it's bad.
Sync is weak(if there's any). Some random scenes are just scaterred around without that much of connection. It needs a lot of editing. As person below mentioned : "still some basics here to improve".
There's something bothering me. It seems some scenes or rather the whole clip is zoomed in. I wonder why did you have to do that? It only makes things worse.
Oh, and the quality of music is extremely poor. I've searched for the song on other resources to check it out. The difference is overwhelming. I wonder why you didn't pay attention to it too.
[06.01.2017] MesoGear » MIRAGE [S.H.O]
довольно странная работа, вот только пока еще не понят, в хорошем смысли или в не очень :dunno:
[06.01.2017] kemaxto » MIRAGE [S.H.O]
Аниме заинтересовало.
1.bloodSlayer - One of the Starry Girls71.7
2.ShinOri - Eternal World71.1
3.JustRukia - Sacrifice70.5
4.Takeshi & Fobos - The Impossible Escape69.7
5.Nero_09 - 美徳ト悪徳69.2
6.TakeshiAMV - Wanted Dead or Alive68.2
7.FobosAMV - The Last 9 Days (2nd Quincy Invasion)66.8
8.FT - Adventurers66.5
9.TritioAFB - Bang Yor Mom66.4
10.TritioAFB - R.U.M.B.L.E65.6
11.Visual Reality Studios - Starboy64.6
12.Picman - SLAVE & MASTER63.5
13.Picman - Collapse63.3
14.Waku Waku - Ведьмак: Дикая работа63.1
15.MikuriAki - Cemra62.7
16.Scallibur32 - How to hold Bocchi in your hand?62.4
17.obey your heart - The Cage61.0
18.Ian Yu - Why Do Tears Mix with Rain?60.8
19.Strannik610 - Origins59.8
20.Alexei - Узник кошмара / A nightmare's prisoner59.1
21.MesoGear - Disgusting58.7
22.okhostok - Calamity58.5
23.Ian Yu - Do You Like Cloudy Skies?57.0
24.Lulu - Humans56.5
25.Narian - Sadness and Heaven55.7
26.Rika Sudzuki - Regret55.3
27.Narian - Hold on54.5
28.Deviant - Киска из Алупки51.4
29.Anima Purgatorius - Dukkha: Melancholy of Sansara48.9
30.kain4ig - Dancing47.9
[ full rating ]
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