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[29.01.2019] okhostok » RAISE YOUR BANNER [IceMooNi]
Говорят люди что это кусочки сцен. А знают ли они что сделать экшн из статики "немного" сложновато. Вообщем это 10.
[29.01.2019] Artofeel » Kizmet [UnluckyArtist]
ужасное М\В
скрестить какой-то скандинавский шлягер с Синкаем..
и переходы ужасны тоже
[29.01.2019] Glofia » BIPOLAR [Ridiculous]
Could you please stop the unjustified persecution of the author? You have no evidence that these comments are Ridulous's own comments. Besides, Ridulculous's work is recognized by many old authors. Please be sensible, bro.
[29.01.2019] Shiroi yoru » interconnected FortunA [Miso]
:sun: You're so kind. I believe that you will have a better and more creative video in the future.
[29.01.2019] muximu » BIPOLAR [Ridiculous]
[29.01.2019] fjyy » BIPOLAR [Ridiculous]
Новички немного стремительны, они должны стремиться к лучшему творчеству, а не фальсифицировать. :no:
Но если честно, мне очень нравится твое видео.
[29.01.2019] -Ridiculous » BIPOLAR [Ridiculous]
Whats the meaning of this comment?
[29.01.2019] iMCoach » Time [PriceQ]
Sort of like your last year video but much better. Glad you revisited the idea.
[29.01.2019] iMCoach » BIPOLAR [Ridiculous]
There's always at least one of these people each year :biggrin:
[29.01.2019] iMCoach » Hi High [Orbitchx]
I hate kpop but damn this is cute
[29.01.2019] InsanitySupporter » PATISSON [Not found]
Holy fuck
[29.01.2019] InsanitySupporter » interconnected FortunA [Miso]
I can't believe I forgot to comment in here lol you know I really like this!
[29.01.2019] InsanitySupporter » Between Two Fires [Konst]
I think transitions needed some more work to make the video stunning, because the mood and storytelling are really on point
[29.01.2019] InsanitySupporter » Love Creation [Kawai ishi]
I SWEAR I POSTED A COMMENT maybe the page glitched or my internet failed xdd anyway, while I believe the second half of the video lacks dynamics, I think it's quite a good video, I like how you blended the two series even if they have different art styles
[29.01.2019] iMCoach » Catastrophe [Giorgi ジオ]
Interesting to see one of you here. I'll be honest I hit play on the video very skeptical but I came out the other end thinking "those around him probably don't understand how long this probably took" some parts are iffy and could've used more time. However you should be proud of what you attempted and know that some portions of the video came out really nicely.
1. Action841
2. Drama279
3. Action, Drama149
4. Romance145
5. Comedy66
6. Fun66
7. Drama, Action64
8. Story59
9. Dance58
10. Psychedelic58
11. Drama, Romance55
12. Action, Character Profile49
13. Action, Story47
14. Drama, Story45
15. Character Profile44
16. Story, Drama41
17. Trailer39
18. Horror38
19. Romance, Drama34
20. Other31
 AKROSS CON 2009 BEST VIDEO 18.12.2009  
First Squad: The Moment of Truth
The Birthday Massacre - Red Stars
Story, Action, Drama, Horror
 AKROSS CON 2009 WINNER 14.11.2009  
Toshio Masuda - Byou no Sakana
Psychedelic, Drama, Romance, Story
[F.O.]cieux Studio
2029 A.D.
 AKROSS CON 2009 FINALIST 17.12.2009  
Ghost in the Shell 2.0, Ghost in the Shell 2…
Charlie Clouser - Hello Zepp
Action, Serious