There are people who are born to suffer. Sorry, your happiness is momentary, and even if you are in search, something will destroy. Bringing the loving story 3 characters of this excellent anime. About the project, I decided to keep the original version of which took raw, somewhat daring for my part, in view of the published works and grandeur of the contest. I found it interesting to keep the extreme focus on the story at all costs trying to spend my idea without losing their effects. Thanks for reading and watching.
Атмосфера в клипе получилась удачной, а вот сюжет автор передал неудачно, если не смотреть исходник, то понять, что вообще происходит в клипе и как связаны события, весьма затруднительно. Да и тот факт, что автор просто пересказывает исходник тоже баллов ему не добавит. 6.5/10
Not bad, liked the mood. It reminded me what an old friend said once: A romantic story without lip flaps is crap... Unless you could show all the relationships in other way. Then they actually made sense here
Very interesting this review because very worried at this point, and developed without the lip movements. Lost perception to the viewer, i dared to put as a plus in the timeline.
Мои 6,2/10
связного сюжета тоже
Very interesting this review because very worried at this point, and developed without the lip movements. Lost perception to the viewer, i dared to put as a plus in the timeline.