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Hilary Cullen  (NL-TEAM)  [ Hilary Cullen ]
Santana, Brazil
Hello! I didn't think I'd get to show up this year. This project was left on hold for a long time while I was busy with Life Stuff and I picked it up on a whim just last week. I was quite surprised when I found myself powering through most of what was incomplete in such a short period of time, haha.
I've wanted to edit an AMV for Haikyuu!! for the longest time. Even more, I wanted to edit something for Aoba Johsai and Oikawa, which are my favorite team and character respectively. Seeing as they are a secondary team, making a Seijoh-centric AMV seemed like a tall order for quite some time, but the fanworks of people mentioned in the credits inspired me and helped me build the concept for this AMV. I'm happy to finally be able to give shape to what I see and love about Oikawa and Aoba Johsai to the best of my abilities. (Yes, I'm overly emotional about these volleyball nerds.)
Thank you for your time and I hope you'll enjoy this video.
Video    Various [ Haikyuu!!, Sailor Moon Crystal, My Neighbor Totoro ]
Audio    Madeon - Finale
Genre    Character Profile, Drama, Action
3:27 | 67,3 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 13 « [1] 2 »
Kvant  [ 27 May 2019, 09:22 ]
По моему не сильно лучше предыдущего клипа про бокс.
Та же скука и унылость на фоне некоторой, почти минимальной, "интересности подачи материала".
Пы. Сы: Господи, как же измельчал-то род людской, если песни про дружбу (тут даже яойных моментов не было, ну куда это годиться!) и преодоление себя, он поёт через столь искусственную конструкцию как спорт.
Барон де Кубертен, в очередной раз, перевернулся в гробу.
AtElarAMV  [ 27 January 2019, 14:49 ]
9 for OIKAWA senpai :inlove:
Whiterock  [ 26 January 2019, 02:24 ]
@ICEberg, @Cane
Вроде вся драма вполне внятно объясняется голосовыми вставками и происходящим в визуале. Её сложно не заметить :dunno:
Cane  [ 24 January 2019, 20:32 ]
Профаил раскрыт неплохо, экшн тоже на месте, а вот драмы не увидел. Синхра вроде тоже на месте, да и технически в целом клип неплох, но чего-то не хватает...
Miso  [ 23 January 2019, 21:25 ]
a nice Sport-AMV, the message is well transmitted... only one thing where I had to frown was the transition at 0:51-0:52, I was a bit too fast, only after several times I realized that this should be a bird/eagle^^... maybe cuz the scene before and after that was combared to the transiton slower...
Shinzo  [ 22 January 2019, 08:09 ]
Parabéns Hilary Cullen!! Fico feliz em lhe ver editando ainda. Em breve voltarei para o NL-TEAM com gosto de gás. :inlove:
Bean430  [ 22 January 2019, 04:55 ]
grate, the tv audio made it.
St James  [ 21 January 2019, 22:59 ]
Ótimo projeto Hillary! Forte como sempre, só algumas coisas que não excederam minhas expectativas, a suavidade do projeto, algumas transições não foram as melhores escolhas, os textos não se misturaram com as cenas, fazendo-os muito destacados e o que mais me incomodou foi a falta de dinâmica em alguns trechos. O projeto me entregou, apesar de tudo, uma emoção épica, anime certo na música perfeita faz essa diferença mesmo. Boa sorte no concurso! 7/10. :inlove:
Death_Kn1ght  [ 21 January 2019, 21:45 ]
А где эпическая концовка с вывозом невывозимого ?
Неплохой клип с добротной техникой , который можно какое-то время даже попересматривать. 6,5/10
MesoGear  [ 21 January 2019, 15:21 ]
У автора в прошлом году была классная атмосферная работа, после нее экшн про волейбол с заезженными кадрами, как-то совсем тоску навевает. Технически клип конечно неплох.
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