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[10.01.2014] EnIgMoZz2 » What I Fight For [JSK]
loll everybodie look at how epik I am with AE's camera loll
But damn, back when I was stupid, when I made this, I agreed with most people and said the scene editing sucked..... but damn O_O It's pretty damn good, even if it is openings, especially after the AE part. Oh, and not to mention that epic Naruto (Shippuden) quality. loll.
#Attentionwhore #Arrogant #2014 #nomakeup #D:GQ'sSuccessor
[10.01.2014] JazzsVids » What I Fight For [JSK]
Pretty cool :)
[10.01.2014] Domius » Sorrowful Life [Acton70]
La canzone è parecchio suggestiva, purtroppo il video non si esprime come dovrebbe.
[10.01.2014] EnIgMoZz2 » Arcade [ImGoing]
Remember my video? How generic was that? How often do you see a masterfully flowing hard cut action AMV with a lot of old animes, without having to rely on scenes that look similar? Not very often from my experience :| But you see, blind people see DBZ and Naruto in an action AMV by some guy from YouTube with bad past 3 entries, and they're like "3/10". If someone like Nostromo was to make the exact same video: "ZOMG I SEE WHAT YOU MEAN IN THIS VIDEO. 10/10"
[10.01.2014] Domius » Human Trancition [ACRLover]
Non mi dice nulla, mi spiace.
La canzone dei 30 second!
[10.01.2014] Domius » Spill a Will [9eek]
Ci son parecchie pecche dal punto di vista tecnico, la canzone non aiuta mi spiace.
[10.01.2014] Domius » Sket Brothers [2ndState]
Mi spiace ma non son riuscito a ridè
[10.01.2014] EnIgMoZz2 » AKROSSCONCLIP [bnegat]
Nigga, you trying to be ENIGMatic?

Added (after 54 sec.):

Oh yeah, this reminds me to go and tell xdreww what a fucking moron he is

Added (after 1 min. and 20 sec.):

can you explain what it is you understand? I don't understand. Help me. Please.
[10.01.2014] Domius » Quiet [Okami]
Mi aspettavo molto molto di più e invece ...
La prima parte è interessante il resto no.
Non capisco cosa c'entri il personaggio di Rei a 0:51 e a 1:02 insieme a Misato a 1:35. Non ne comprendo la ragione perché con la trama non hanno alcun legame in quanto la vicenda è centrata solamente sul rapporto tra Shinji e Asuka. Non capisco, inoltre, perché far durare ben 25 secondi la scena finale del bambino che piange, sembra solo un "tappabuco" per rimediare alla mancanza di scene maremma D:
Concordo con gli altri per quanto riguarda le scene riutilizzate più volte, ad esempio quella a 1:47 è ripetuta 4 volte (due volte a 1:08 e due volte a 1:47 specchiata).
Quoto Dade sulla parte del climax, peccato comunque :(
[10.01.2014] AnimeFanaticBoy » Arcade [ImGoing]
Looks like a generic action, nothing new here
[10.01.2014] Ellfin » Bohemian Raccoon Dogs [masaka!]
 S.A. Robert @ 07 December 2013, 21:04 
Бред какой-то вообще, не понравилось совсем.
Единственно только исходник заинтересовал, надо глянуть.

+ 1
[10.01.2014] iKuro » AKROSSCONCLIP [bnegat]
[10.01.2014] AnimeFanaticBoy » AKROSSCONCLIP [bnegat]
An effect doesnt make the video inmediately psychodelic. So long and no emotion at all.
[10.01.2014] SpecteRR » What I Fight For [JSK]
Нормальная такая зарисовочка. Даже музыка не успела взбесить, хотя и не слушаю подобное, возможно из-за небольшой продолжительности клипа. Так что как ни крути- тоже плюс.Приятно, но в коллекцию не оставлю.
[10.01.2014] Cyberphobia » What I Fight For [JSK]
Really good for a first entry. MMV ♥. Nice music and good sync. Only issue for me it´s that in this style of video I expect more complex camera moviments. But I liked it!
8/10 :wink:
1. Linkin Park80
2. Skillet55
3. Celldweller42
4. Blue Stahli39
5. Thousand Foot Krutch38
6. Within Temptation34
7. Red33
8. Rammstein32
9. Evanescence29
10. Nightwish28
11. hollywood undead26
12. 30 Seconds to Mars25
13. Breaking Benjamin25
14. Two Steps From Hell24
15. Unreal24
16. Papa Roach24
17. Nickelback23
18. System of a Down22
19. Disturbed22
20. Audiomachine21
21. Imagine Dragons20
22. 65daysofstatic19
23. Marilyn Manson19
24. Pendulum18
25. Apocalyptica17
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[F.O.]cieux Studio
2029 A.D.
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