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[22.11.2014] Juancarlosdm95 » Deuterius 2.0: Dies Irae [TritioAFB]
Tanto tiempo esperando por este video xD estuvo tal como lo esperaba, GENIAL!!!
Suerte Dr. Tritio!
:wow: :wow:
[22.11.2014] Animated » Deuterius 2.0: Dies Irae [TritioAFB]
Hey pal, long time no see :) So, to start with, after seeing this video, I had to watch again your first one... gotta admit, this one didn't make quite sense to me. So... i watched it a second time and still, couldn't find any connections between characters and the reasons they fought :| I can easily say that, this one is more technically advanced than Tritium 1.0, but way too complex when it's storyline is concerned. I liked Tritium for being simple! But here... Ichigo fighting dragons and 2 new opponents... maybe i lost the point somewhere alone the viewing. Also, some badly placed and cut masks and 5-6 audio glitches/accidental cuts (saw the 60mb version) made me cut some points from the overall score. Well, on the other hand, editing is faster than excepted from you and not abrupt at all, song fits nicely with your scenes, and some distortion scenes had me jealous. I'd say i would give it a 7.5/10, after all it's a crossover and you gotta be a man to handle one! :biggrin:

P.S. You gotta start making some real vertical posters doc!
[22.11.2014] Хлебушек » Deuterius 2.0: Dies Irae [TritioAFB]
Nice one my friend! :wink:
Good luck in the contest.
[22.11.2014] AnimeFanaticBoy » Deuterius 2.0: Dies Irae [TritioAFB]
Who are you anyway? :laugh:
[22.11.2014] Chimera » Deuterius 2.0: Dies Irae [TritioAFB]
 AnimeFanaticBoy @ 22 November 2014, 18:41 
Ichigo is a kind of emo-boy

do you think this bamf got some time for corssover loli shit?
[22.11.2014] Armed » Deuterius 2.0: Dies Irae [TritioAFB]
And as last time I did not understand what happened in the clip!)
[22.11.2014] Elixir » Deuterius 2.0: Dies Irae [TritioAFB]
Aight, thanks man
[22.11.2014] Armed » Tritium 1.0: In Crescendo [TritioAFB]
I did not understand what happened in the clip!)
[22.11.2014] AnimeFanaticBoy » Deuterius 2.0: Dies Irae [TritioAFB]

Actually that's a game. If you go and do a research in google, you'll realice about what's the relationship between tritium and deuterius. Obviously there's a third element, the fusion of the two ones I mentioned. Homework for you if you want to know what's the name of the third part.

And about the questions: Ichigo is a kind of emo-boy in my stories, that's why you will see him fighting with the protagonists. Everyone is an enemy for him at first, just like in the first part.

If you read in both descriptions, I never talk about sequels. Why? I can't just announce if I don't have an exact date for the premier. But your assumption was correct: there's a last episode pending according to the text. Spoilers FTW

Iren, :tongue:
[22.11.2014] Iren S.S. » Deuterius 2.0: Dies Irae [TritioAFB]
Congrats with the premiere!
Since you said you'd read the comments regardless of the language, I'll use this chance :wink:

Վատ չէ, վատ չէ: Լավ է: Իրոք:
Մի փոքր թույլ է, քան նախորդ աշխատանքը, բայց մինևնույն է լավ է:
Հաջողություն :)
[22.11.2014] Elixir » Deuterius 2.0: Dies Irae [TritioAFB]
That was some nice work for me. Generally, I like good cross-over AMVs in a whole because I know it's something that takes more time-investing than a usual video.
A couple of things I should ask though, I'm sorry if they may seem pretty dumb. So, the blue haired guy obviously should have known something about the pigtail girl, and then later on, it looked like Ichigo was going to be enemies with him. Then, the man from Naruto Shippuden comes in, fights with blue-hair and then (if I assume correctly), turns into that beast we see Ichigo and blue-hair both fighting against. Was there something Ichigo and blue-hair came to terms with or something?
One last thing: What's the meaning behind the text at the end: "Look now, you thought you had me by the upper hand"? I think if there's going to be a third episode to this, there should be the explanation of the story in the Author's Commentary, but if you want us viewers ourselves to try and interpret it, then more power to you.
Before you mention it, yes, I did watch the prequel to this.
[22.11.2014] AnimeFanaticBoy » Deuterius 2.0: Dies Irae [TritioAFB]
It's showtime. I'll be reading comments regardless of the language, so come at me crowd :wink:
[22.11.2014] Cane » Breathe [IGNOTUM]
Клип конечно передаёт ощущение одиночества персонажа, но этого мало для конкурсного AMV. Эффекты, синхронизация, смысловое наполнение - всего этого в клипе нет. 2.8/10
[22.11.2014] FunnyMan » Breathe [IGNOTUM]
[22.11.2014] Cane » Inside You [NewOvermind]
Очень понравился, шикарная синхра, красивая техника, атмосферность на уровне. Отдельный респект за кадры из любимого ErgoProxy ^^, но как уже сказано до меня - коротковато, на пол минутки дольше и было бы супер! =) 9/10
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[ full rating ]
Kevin Caldwell
Kodomo no Omocha
William Tell Overture
 AKROSS CON 2009 WINNER 16.12.2009  
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