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XxxDome21194xxX  [ XxxDome21194xxX ]
Dedicate to MindInChaos,Diegao94,gigli0rc and Umberto488

Um ... I would not get bored just wanted to express a bit about this AMV: well, this video is the result of a lot of work especially mental ... this is pretty original idea that came to me watching the movie called "Inception" and feeling a lot a lot of music ...I am a twisted that he wants to say things are not perfect but I almost trashed about 7 projects, which all failed Vegas soon be uploading on You Tube.

Concept & Story:
The video consists of two concerts, one of the beck that play the song and the Pendulum of playing 08 Trapnest broken birthday massacre.
We say that the yield has come good ... but in the realization of the first concert took 4 days XD
Video    Nana , Beck Mongolian Chop Squad
Audio    Pendulum , The Birthday Massacre - Witchcraft , Broken
Genre    Musical
122.3 Mb.
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