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Miso  [ Miso ]
Linz, Austria
Some facts ... about this AMV, so if you aren´t interested to read my shit/facts/minds about this creation ... then IGNORE it now! ; )

This time it was very intense for me to work on this work ... also because of the topic of the anime (which I've seen only a few months ago), the story was very under the skin. It's about fighting for what's important and above all, the term "fate" is mentioned more often ... it had such a "depth" that I was incredibly tied up, and decided to take this Anime ...

Accordingly, I wanted to edit an AMV, which seems mystical ... a kind of "destiny/fortune video" .. that's why my AMV title so named. That means, with a corresponding song, visual optics, and symbols/elements such as in the beginning the flower portals ... and the whole cut ... with all this, I wanted to unfold this appropriate mood, maybe that sounds something strange for some but ... well ^^ It tooks time to implement all this ... This is about two people who are somehow fatefully connected in many ways and try to fight against what they could tear apart, even death. And their omnipresent observer and companion the invisible "fate".
And somehow the Seele and Nerv unit has its finger in the game :)

Would you be willing to fight for a person that is important to you ... even if it seems to you hopeless and wears you down?
I'm very satisfied with the result myself ... hope you like it too. END
Video    Mawaru Penguindrum
Audio    The Toxic Avenger - Luna
Genre    Drama, Sentimental, Character Pofile
3:20 | 57,3 Mb. | 1280x720 | H.264 / aac
3:20 | 302 Mb. | 1920x1080 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 39 « 1 [2] 3 4 »
OscarAMV  [ 26 January 2019, 16:12 ]
Overall i like it, What is the function of the overlay (white lines) from 0:54 to 1:14.I think it's a bit too repetitive and ruin the video, the meaning is understood the same even without that overlay
NIGHT  [ 26 January 2019, 15:01 ]
Монтаж хороший, но автор совершенно не умеет работать с цветом.
Жуткий вырвиглаз.
Яркость/контраст тоже "где-то там".

Толку от проделанной работы, если клип физически неприятно смотреть?
Cane  [ 23 January 2019, 17:35 ]
Жанры мимо, а сам клип понравился, это ближе к психоделу
iMCoach  [ 23 January 2019, 07:45 ]
Not like anything else in the contest or anything I'd seen lately. So I enjoyed it. Video had some good moments and things worth taking for myself to use in the future. Good job.
ICEberg  [ 21 January 2019, 17:25 ]
профайл не раскрыт
сентиментал невнятен
драма не обнаружена

и при чем тут NERV? тогда уж Рюка надо было
Megamen  [ 20 January 2019, 15:58 ]
Ты не туда стреляешь
Miso  [ 20 January 2019, 15:22 ]
it´s ok, thanks for this post and your advise...I mean that honestly. But I read your first comment, and that was a bit too generalized... what everything was bad.
however, I still appreciate you.
Kroner  [ 20 January 2019, 14:52 ]
so u basically saying:" I'm going to hear only the good words and discard the bad ones" or even worse "only good things need to be told on something. I'm not saying you MUST follow critics, I only said that critics are our way to learn what other think, and found OUR way to use them. Things like "I'll go on my own way" have nothing to do with what you said, I said something, you can use it as u wish, but I don't really know how a simple "GREAT, BEST AMV EVAAAAAAAAA" can help u. If you want this kind of feedback well, you're not going to have them from me, since when I see passion and talent I want to help saying what I think can be improved, that's my purpose, and I'm not saying I'm right, not at all, you can do whatever you want with my words or the other ones, but hiding yourself behind "I'll go on my way" is extremely egocentric imho and has nothing to do with what I first meant.
Miso  [ 20 January 2019, 14:34 ]
 TheCacoVenom @ 19 January 2019, 18:16 
I saw a great effort from the beggining to the end, it looks like you were getting better while you were editting it,

thx much for comment, ..somehow I must grin, maybe you are actually right

Death_Kn1ght sorry that I could not quite convince you with that, and the Poster was just a quick work (10min) cuz I was in stress.

 Kottai @ 19 January 2019, 18:45 
This edit is awesome!! Enjoyed the AMV from the beggining to the end <3 Great job

that was my GOAL... yeeahh

MesoGear nooo :( the Penguin is the Main Star ; )

 reice @ 19 January 2019, 23:07 
miso :cool: :cool: AMV

thx so much xD...I like it hard!

 Kroner @ 19 January 2019, 23:09 
but suggestions/critics are here to make us grow so u should take them and think about the reason someone said that

...the point is, "the kind" you critic something isn´t something for me, maybe for other editors... Honestly I don´t need that..cuz I go my own way, and on this way I try to get better and better... for example "Fynjy": he is fu**ing good editor but he write most time only positive critik/words and this is something what also could make someone better... or HonyxOtaku, her opinons are great, cuz she knows a lot about the topic. But I will try next year to surprise you ; )

thx for your effort to write in english. it sounds funny the comparison with chines food.. great xD,´s comprehensible, that sounds maybe illogical to you
and yeah... you´ve right, related to psychedelic tag
Anejo  [ 20 January 2019, 04:36 ]
Thank you for the respond, smth get more clear for me

 Miso @ 19 January 2019, 18:43 
relating to the filter combinations, I know that looks for certain not so much "fancy" to the prensent time.. but my goal was to create something what also fits to the orignial anime style...

For me it is a bit illogical - to use RD staff and curves and make the scenes in the original anime to look not like the original for the sake of preserving the atmosphere of the original. It is like chinees food - never have idea from what it was prepared

ofc I respect your own opinion on this matter. But in this case I strongly advise to add tag Psycedelic to your works as reality is kind of distorted in your vids
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