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animspirationist  [ animspirationist ]
Brasov, Румыния
Love is universal. Nothing but love and vibes.
Видео    Josee, the Tiger and the Fish
Музыка    Flawdzilla - In That Chair
Жанр    Comedy, Romance, Drama
1:04 | 29,4 Мб. | 1920x1080 | H.264 / aac
1:04 | 168 Мб. | 1920x1080 | H.264 / aac | 60 fps
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Всего комментариев: 19 « 1 [2] »
ICEberg  [ 15 января 2023, 18:57 ]
снова поля

обнаружены формальные признаки романтики
драмы не обнаружено
мелодрама классическая

развития сюжета не обнаружено
animspirationist  [ 15 января 2023, 02:24 ]
crash88ctamv Dr.RockMVs Thanks for the feedback, most of your opinions make sense and I appreciate more now that what I find interesting, is not always received as such by others. Much appreciated! It was a good lesson.
Danny AMV  [ 15 января 2023, 02:16 ]
3 videos for the competitions I recommend that you base yourself on just one and improve all the weak points in your editions, several editors have already commented on your failures, so encouragement and a lot of effort
Dr.RockMVs  [ 15 января 2023, 01:12 ]
The flashing is distracting. And the song doesn’t match the tone of the video. The black flashing in this video is the same thing as the lyrics in your other videos. It’s like you’re trying to use them as a way to force the video to suit the song when they just don’t fit together. The video is comedic & lighthearted and the song is the opposite.

My advice to you is: Stop trying to force the video to fit the song. Find a song that fits the video. The video should always take priority. If the video is a cake, the song should be the icing on top.
crash88ctamv  [ 15 января 2023, 00:43 ]
Hi, I see you have uploaded another video, from my technical point of view you should be careful, to select the speeches when the voice is male you should match it with a man not with a woman, I also made these mistakes in the past, the fact that you have chosen to synchronize all those stutters black lights, sincerely throughout the video my opinion they bore, it breaks that emphasis to keep watching the video, they annoy, the music you chose in my opinion is not appropriate to the anime, something more romantic, dramatic, basic synchronization let's say we are there, in conclusion I tell you I did not like it very much, however surely the ability to bring good works ce, no one is born good, I hope my advice helped you to improve more and more, bye. :tongue:
animspirationist  [ 14 января 2023, 14:40 ]
AnejoI am laughing my ass off! Thanks for your kind comment, Anejo. I think Google Translate made your comment way funnier than it was originally intended! :laugh: :laugh:
Anejo  [ 14 января 2023, 13:40 ]
Не знаю, как это оценивать. Видно, что автор был буквально беременнен всяческого рода идеями, от стремного липсинка женского персонажа с мужским вокалом, до реверса движения.
А родил ежика. Прямо очень не хватает не рваного монтажа. Резкие черный мигания были мне не совсем понятны. б/о пожалуй(
Идейно - лоигчно было обырать главную идею исходника, когда парень примерил на себя роль инвалида.
animspirationist  [ 14 января 2023, 02:06 ]
Darksss 73Haha! Thanks! :laugh:
Darksss 73  [ 14 января 2023, 00:23 ]
Что то непонятное. Видимо у Румынцов так заведено.
« 1 [2] »
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