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Oscar  [ OscarAMV ]
Varese, Italy
Hi everyone, this is my first video made for a contest.
I would like to start with the explanation of the title
Interfecti is a Latin word that have two meanings:
1st the translation is "are killed" and i think it fix with the anime
2nd it mean also in italian "fiasco" (in english the translation is "flop"), this is a personal meaning that I've attributed to the video, I'm not at all satisfied with the final result, so this is a failure.

Now speaking about the video
I haven't a lot of free time to make amv so i edited this in less than 10 days;
I started with a very different idea, I wanted to create an amv focused only on Araragi and Hanekawa but for a lack of scenes I had to upset my plans, so here's another amv of monogatari like everyone else, yeah.(facepalm).
I wanted to try using the twixtor, on many scenes it worked well, while on others it didn't, and for lack of time on others it wasn't used.
In conclusion I'm not at all satisfied with this AMV, this was the first time I tried to create something as Action, Psychedelic, but I really think it isn't my genre, I hope to do better next time, maybe editing with something I already know about.
In the end I want to thank the people who have supported me for the creation of the AMV. Thanks guys!
Video    Various [ Bakemonogatari, Nekomonogatari, Monogatari Series: Second Season ]
Audio    Celldweller - Uncrowned
Genre    Action, Psychedelic
1:50 | 29,1 Mb. | 1280x520 | H.264 / aac
1:50 | 7,10 Mb. | 480x194 | H.264 / aac
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Total comments: 13 « 1 [2] »
Kroner  [ 11 January 2018, 16:14 ]
è venuto meglio di quanto credessi, in bocca al lupo Oscar ;)
MesoGear  [ 11 January 2018, 14:56 ]
Ок, верю, автор что-там могет в твикстор, а вот клипа, как такового нету.
sucubus  [ 11 January 2018, 14:17 ]
Весь клип состоит из показа каких-то персонажей. Их рожи и тела плющит под музыку. Ритмично, коротко и... всё.
« 1 [2] »